Zan Partizanne then becomes enraged, and takes one last stand to kill Kirby before he can interfere with the spreading of Ultimate Void Termina’s influence. She tries to kill Francisca and Flamberge, because they were traitors, but Kirby refused to let it happen, thus attacking Zan before she can kill them.

When Kirby and his dream friends make it to jambandra base at last, they are confronted by the still corrupt Zan Partizanne. As a thanks for saving him again, Magolor agrees to help Kirby defeat Ultimate Void Termina, and Magolor is unlocked as a dream friend. After Kirby defeats Magolor Soul, he throws a friend heart at him, turning Magolor back to his normal self. When they get to Eclipsoluna Moon, they find a corrupted Magolor Soul. On the last planet before Jambandra Base, known as Parallia, Kirby and friends start to feel a familiar presence. Which leads to Far Flung Starlight Heroes, now known as Heroes at the edge of space. Francisca and Flamberge decide to betray Zan and Hyness, and help Kirby defeat Ultimate Void Termina. As she is starting to fall, she tries to take Kirby with her, but she has to retreat back to jambandra, so she can restore her power. Once Zan Partizanne is defeated, Francisca and Flamberge are freed from the darkness in their hearts, and beg Zan to not hurt Kirby. Now Kirby has to navigate further into deathbastion, to find the Mage Sisters, then defeat them. Then they let out an evil laugh and disappear. The Mage Sisters have absorbed a piece of Ultimate Void Termina’s power, giving them an angelic outfit similar to Hyness’s, and their skin has turned black, and their eyes have turned red. As Kirby makes his way through deathbastion, he sees the Mage Sisters once again. Kirby decides to go purge the Jambastion, now known as Deathbastion, from Popstar. After Meta Knight is freed from Void’s influence, the Jambastion, now upgraded has returned to Planet Popstar, but now with a much darker appearance, and much more threatening than ever. During Kirby’s adventure, several characters, friend or foe alike have been threatened by Ultimate Void Termina’s power, and decide to help Kirby. Kirby is very alerted by the presence, and decides to go on a journey to stop Hyness from truly unleashing the true power of Void Termina. Ultimate Void Termina scatters his presence across the cosmos, resulting in many of powerful warriors being possessed by his influence. But then, back at Jambandra Base, Hyness managed to fully complete the Jamba Heart, has now studied how to break the seal, and releases Void Termina again, but in it’s ultimate form. After the events of Kirby Star Allies, Kirby and his friends went home for a nice and relaxing nap.